Share | social-publishing platform

For writers and readers

Discover our mission, team and values

At Share, our aim is to offer a platform where writing becomes a place for sharing, where everyone can read, learn and have fun with passion.

Motivated by the desire to support authors so that they can thrive through their writing and forge powerful links with their readers, we launched our platform: Share. After months of R&D and questioning, we hope that our ambition and our story will touch you and your readers.

Our values

Guided by integrity, dedication and diversity

Be world-class.
Embrace challenges, strive for excellence, and dare to push boundaries.
Take responsibility.
Embrace accountability, own our actions, and strive for continuous improvement.
Be supportive.
Foster a culture of collaboration, empathy, and encouragement. Create a strong community where everyone can thrive and reach their full potential.
Always learning.
Embrace curiosity, pursue knowledge, and continuously grow.
Share everything you know.
By spreading knowledge, we empower those around us and contribute to collective growth and success.
Enjoy downtime.
Cultivate a healthy work-life balance.

Our team

We have build a strong team to develop our platform.